Saturday, March 3, 2012

To My Potential Mr.Dream

You don't understand me

You really don't know me

You say that you love me

Do you really know what love means

Are you reading between the lines

You have not done anything to prepare for me

To be apart of your structured life

You say life is about sacrifices

I say life is about choices

Having freedom to experience

opportunities that have been presented

You seem to show some resentment

Why are you so hesitant

The questions that I asked

Are you taking me seriously

You say that you want to be with 

only me

And you want certain things from me

But what have you given me

A few night's of passion

Which has caused this distraction

what I've named "a semi life crisis"

because you want me as your girl

just change my whole world

For what?

What are you offering me

that I can't provide myself

Dick-I can get like an item

off a grocery market shelf

I know what I bring to this 

virtual table

A feast of me

and all of my bounty

At times I think you don't know

what you want or need

If its me

Why all of the drama and negativity

Don't you know 

You are pushing me away

I've got things to accomplish

goals to be reached

and a whole lot of bullshit

Is not something I want to deal with

I know who I am 

I know what I want

I know what I need

Having a good man in my life

is not a necessity 

nor a priority

A man does not complete me

Having a good man in my life

compliments me

Yeah, its nice to have a warm body

at night laying next to me

However, the only way to see if I'm

the one you need

Is to see me from all

360 degrees

Get out of your comfort zone

think outside of the box

Then you will finally

to be able see

if its me 

you truly want.

(And why am I saying this...right here & right now...because I am more than a virtual fantasy that became your reality. You brought life to me...leaving your computer screen to giving you head in the front seat.)