Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dear Diary,August 7

Dear Diary:

I am laying in bed reminiscing about last night. The sheets smell like him,more like him and I on a high. The sex was outstanding and the feeling I get from just thinking about him is incredible. 
Seeing him fuck me in the mirror last night was ever so freaky, I liked it a lot. The look he gave me was like he was about to eat me alive. He stares into my soul. When we have sex it fulfills my entire being. I cannot stop thinking about the feeling he gives me. He does not have to touch me, our sexting is very intellectual, hyper powered stimulating conversation. I like that he can keep up with my appetite....mentally and sexually.  Its almost frightening, lol, I almost want to say that I have met my match. 
From the first time our eyes met we have had a strong attraction for each other. It was contained yet,if you could peel back one layer, you would see the wilderness running through our minds. 
I was afraid to kiss him because kissing to me is just as powerful as sex. It exchanges the energy between the two even quicker. His energy is something I wanted,I now need. I crave him, he craves me. I want to call him a caramel lust and I am his thick dream. 
I do not dream, but I dreamed of last night before it actually happened. My dream was very vivid, i could taste and smell him. And the dream was accurate, his scent was exactly how I imagined and his head was positioned where I had envisioned, on my bosoms. My hand massaged his head slow, applying gentle kisses to his forehead, while he stroked slow and deep.
Its amazing that I can stand to have him eat me the way he does, usually I cannot take oral sex nor have I been able to receive it correctly. He is far from the usual. The puddle that he makes from eating my pussy, he licks it up and kisses it back into my mouth. Yummy. 
My pussy throbs whenever he is near me, it jumps like a frog is inside of my vagina. He enjoys seeing her on his veiny dick, We both love to feel him grow inside of me with slow deep strokes. 
I am closing my eyes, I can see his ass bouncing in the mirror. Looked like he was doing some exotic dance, precision with each stroke. I wanted to bite his ass, he has a very cute butt,lol. He is always complimenting me,"your sexy ass" ass, he is very fond of indeed. His tongue went into my crack, I squealed and giggled like a little girl. I smiled at the vision in my mirror. 
This is truly a first for me, a man that gives me everything without me having to piece him together with another. How he fucks my mind has my pussy contracting, my medulla wet and anxious but patient. The wait heightens the arousal. When we are face to face, there is no immediate rush to touch or grab. The attraction is strong, so we ease into the groove of each meeting. A slight touch to the arm or a brush on my ass, very simple yet the energy behind each touch electrifying. The kiss is extreme, its like watching a movie on fast forward. The rush is far more invigorating than any drug. I can see,taste, sense the events of his day, he gives me all of the good and bad from it. I recycle it and give it back to him, clean positive energy. 
A few hours with him seems like minutes, not a dull moment, his is very attentive. Whatever I ask, I receive it, not half ass...given back a hundred and ten percent. I know, its kinda scary, being this open. At first, I felt vulnerable like a lil lamb chop and he is the hungry hunter. Now I see, I am just as hungry as he. He fills my appetite to where I can burst and go to sleep for an entire day. And in my slumber my body will still be moving from the sensual sex. He has shared that I come to him in his dreams, I concur, he is stalking mine too now. 
The first time we had sex, I cried like a baby. I felt like such a bitchass for doing such. He made no big fuss about it, and reassured me it was okay. It was then I knew that he was special and this was something to be cherished, not abused or exploited. He has given me the power to control the dynamics of this,whatever it is. Most would take advantage, but not I. I will use my "key"as needed.
I feel so stupid for depriving myself from pleasure all this time. Maybe this is just me playing make up,idk. I enjoy every last minute of it,lol. I am never depriving myself again in this life from the desire that I deserve. Yes, there are many streams that I could drink from but right now, I am stuck at this fountain....getting my thirst uninhibitedly quenched. Damn, it feels so good. You should see the look in my eye right now,the same look that I give him when he is front and inside of me. Him being in me, has elicited a glow that others wished they were able to ignite....and others wish they could extinguish the inferno we have created. 
Good luck I say because this type of force is very hard to darken. My only advice to the admirers and wana be's....become an onlooker and enjoy the view what human nature has gifted me with. A cotton candy web of ecstasy, passion, and realness within a person I can be open with-a true friend.
Kisses to you,