Why Would A Man Say No To Sex
Believe it or not men sometime say no to sex, listed below are some factors that could be why he is passing on sex:
He is depressed for whatever reason from self esteem issues or he has a need to be nurtured that is not being fulfilled (some men have difficulties with self image,they struggle with accepting their growing and or aging body,men have a inner “boyish” portion that needs to be nurtured if that isn’t cultivated he could suffer emotionally which causes depression)
His testosterone is low and he is suffering from andropause (symptoms of andropause include-loss of energy,lack of enthusiasm, which hinders his sex drive)
He is having erectile dysfunction (a few causes are: stress,high blood pressure,certain medications)
His role in society and his career has him stressed out (the life of a male minority has many challenges that can only be overcome with hard work and determination,men who take their role in society very seriously constantly stay focused on their image,it is not uncommon for men to have a lingering fear of failure;in addition to,he could begin to have compulsive thoughts which becomes unhealthy and leads to stress)
He is tired (from work obligations or he has a health issue that’s causing him to become tired,the origin can be from an iron deficiency to a chemical imbalance in the brain)
He’s accepting the stereotype that older adults are not supposed to be seen as sexually active beings (some men believe that aging males aren’t to be seen as sexual as they were in their youth,some men believe that they will be viewed as immature or will be categorized as a pervert if they are considered as too sexual)
He is no longer focused on his sex life and intimacy (his role as a provider may replace his desire for intimacy,also other underlying issues with intimacy may cause him to refrain from sex)
His stamina is low due to not being physically active (not performing exercise can cause a decline in libido)
He’s consuming too much alcohol (alcohol is a depressant, it can lower your sex drive,only an occasional amount of alcohol is okay to assist with sexual arousal)
Sex life and Intimacy data compiled by Ms.Atlanta Thick~Dream~
©2014Thick Dream Productions,LLC.