1. You use the same toothbrush or towel.
2. You don't mind seeing their crusty dusty drawls (under pants) on the floor and you politely pick them up and place them in the hamper.
3. You are comfortable enough to pass gas around them...even during or after sex!
4. You can do #2 in the same house as them.
5. You have him or her bring you toilet tissue when your doing your business in the bathroom.
6. You (for the men) find yourself in the feminine hygiene aisle at 2 am buying Kotex super absorbent maxipads or tampons.
7. You make excuses for their bad habits.
8. You know they don't have good credit.
9. You pick their nose for them...even in public.
10. You clip their toenails...willingly.
11. You kiss them before they even had their morning toothbrushing....you kiss the dragon.
12. You know that he/she has not shopped for themselves since 1979...you see shopping for them as a new "project" for you to bring them up to date.
13. You know they are known for "stretching the truth"..you think its cute and imaginative.
14. You let him/her drive your ride and NOT put gas in it afterwards.
15. You fix their plate first at every meal...even if you are out WITHOUT them and are a guest at other people house-and you bringing them a plate home.
16. You talk & text each other and you are both with other cellular companies&are not on an unlimited plan.
17. You handwash their dirty drawls (under pants).
18. After she had the baby, you helped her change her pad&helped her into those sexxy mesh panties...at the hospital and at home.
19. You are both busting each other zits...especially the ones on the back.
20. You allow HIM to get a manicure & pedicure with you..or sometimes without you.
21. You tell him or her about ALL of the people you had sex with...even the ones they are related to!
22. All of your friends have told you she looks like a dude..and her mustache is thicker than yours,lol!!
23. They do all the things that drive you crazy..from grinding their teeth...cracking their knuckles to sucking their thumbs.
24. You allow them to pick all of the movies you watch.
25. They have your PIN number & password-which we know are the same for every damned thing.
26. You kiss them after they've burped in your face.
27. You stay with them and they just don't pay no damned bills...not even their own personal ones!
28. You both struggle together even in the storms...one attending college-even when they're old as hell...you just cannot afford to split...OR sticking it thru adultery...OR one of you lost your job or got laid off...OR-sticking with them every time they come up with some way to make money..to Avon, Tupperware, SexToys, real estate, and all of their schemes to build their own "Empire"..loving their entrepreneur spirit.
29. You take care of them and they did you wrong (example-Diary of a Mad Black Woman).
30. Your man is way shorter than you.
31. Their occupation is a mortician...dead people just freak you out..and that smell...eeehh gads!
32. Your woman is "domestically challenged"...dammit she can't cook..her food taste nasty..and she doesn't clean..she eats all over the house & don't clean up...and has a bad case of the "dropsies"..she drops her panties here..and her clothes are all over...she even leaves her sweaty pantyhose she wore to church in the car,lol!!
33. Their only form of exercise is getting up going to the refrigerator for another beer and changing the television channels...with their enlarged thumbs.
34. She makes more money than you...and it does bother you;however, you are just not man enough to tell her that..because you fear she will take away your weekly allowance.
35. She puts her yeast infection inserts in the frig next to your dinner plate.
36. You allow him to wear your night gown-daily.
37. You continuously "let her" win your favorite game.
38. You allow her to put HER voice on YOUR voicemail.
39. You tell her all of your alias'.
40. You let him claim one of your kids on his taxes..and you're just dating..or use to date.
41. You "go down" on them KNOWING they didn't wash their genitalia..and there is evidence like old toilet tissue and some creamy or crusty "residue",lol!!
42. You love their kids...even though they are bad as hell.
43. You carry her purse and bags in the mall.
44. You give them your last..so now you got to eat Ramen noodles for 2 weeks..and you have to take the train or bus to work.
45. You agree to let their relatives come and stay with you knowing you don't like their asses.
46. They can get you to go to the doctor...and no one else could..your last doctor visit was when you were a kid getting your booster shots.
47. You are finally okay with being in the bra/panty section of the store with them.
48. They buy all of your underwear...your Calvin Kleins,Jockey, Hanes, FTLs, and your long johns.
49. You don't get remotely pissed off when they call you and leave 10 voicemails and fill up your text messaging inbox when you are at work.
50. You don't care or even mind that ALL of their friends are the opposite sex as them...and none of them are gay...or maybe one or two really are gay,lol!!
There you have it..my top 50 reasons to tell if you truly love your mate...trust and believe all of these are true...and NO..not all of them happened to me.